My Approach as a Content Strategist
I seek to create consistent, customer-centric experiences that provide the right content to the right user at the right time. To meet customers where they are at, we must
be aware of our own biases.
make use of analytics and user testing data.
create spaces that are inclusive and accessible to all.
To captivate your customers, you must write with a clearly-defined target audience. My technical writing work for AccessibilityOz shows this.
To create a robust product for a broad range of people, having team members with diverse backgrounds is essential. To provide authentic, inclusive experiences, creators with relevant lived experience are required. This held true at American Family Insurance. Throughout their in-language initative, I worked to engage native Spanish-speakers. [link coming soon]
Digital accessibility is complex. It often focuses on building accessible UI for people who are blind or low vision. I guided my content team at American Family Insurance to follow these kinds of structural requirements. I also took accessibility a step further by implementing reading level benchmarks. This directly improved accessibility on a cognitive level. The result is evident in the Dotcom website overhaul project.