Experienced Accessibility Technical Writer


My client, AccessibilityOz, was expanding to the US market and needed marketing collateral. My process started with deep listening sessions with prospects and customers. With these insights, I produced meaningful materials that brought awareness and leads for the company.

  • Online market research

    • I sought everything available on competitor pricing, target prospect demographics and market demand. The main verticals: medical, educational, big tech and the airline industry.

  • Product positioning determined

    • In-depth interviews with leadership positioned me to perform an analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT). From there we reviewed the Unique Value Proposition (UVP) alongside the market research. We decided to first pursue the higher ed market.

  • Getting “crystal clear” on the audience

    • Online research and listening carefully during in-person interviews provided audience insights. I conducted interviews at industry conferences and events and on various campuses. From here, trends started to emerge with regard to the pain points of our ideal customers. With this information, we were able to drill down and create relevant materials.

  • Leveraging technical resources

    • This particular market is highly technical in nature, pointing to nuanced laws such as the ADA and Section 508. Standard practice is to refer to detailed Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). It was necessary to interview subject matter experts to create accurate and relevant materials.



OzART Print Brochure

Signature automated testing tool by AccessibilityOz


OzPlayer White Paper

Video player accessibility testing white paper (v1)